Why are we updating the OCP?

    The Province passed legislation in 2023 that requires all local governments to update their OCP by December 2025.  

    OCPs are also typically updated every 10 years or so. The current OCP was adopted in 2014, which will be just over 10 years from this update. This update will enable the City to respond to changes in growth patterns and other recent Provincial legislation, including small-scale housing and transit-oriented areas.  

    Why should I care about the OCP update?

    The OCP shapes the City and how it will change over time. This impacts everyone by determining what kind of development you or your neighbour can do on your properties, what types of jobs become available in the City, and where parks and schools get added.   

    In addition, public hearings are no longer permitted when development proposals match the OCP. This means the opportunity to give input and comment on development is during the OCP update happening now, to shape the land uses and growth in the plan.

    Who decides what goes in an OCP?

    An OCP is a complex plan that incorporates input from the broader public, interest group stakeholders, City staff, non-profit and other governmental agencies, and City Council. The consultant Modus Planning Design & Engagement Inc. was hired to help the City complete the OCP update process, including reviewing the input received and applying planning practices to create a final plan. Ultimately, City Council makes the final decision to adopt the updated OCP.

    How can I give my input?

    The Chilliwack 2050 project will be updated regularly on Engage Chilliwack where you’ll be able to provide input online using different tools (ideas board, map pins, survey). There will also be in-person engagement opportunities at key points during the project, where project staff will be attending or hosting events to gather input and feedback.

    Subscribe to email notifications to be notified of future in-person engagement opportunities!  

    How soon will the new OCP be implemented?

    The updated OCP will be presented to Council in December 2025, and implementation is an ongoing process following plan adoption. This could include making updates to other city plans, reviewing the zoning bylaw, or improving parks and amenities, among many other activities.  

    What areas does Chilliwack’s OCP 2050 cover?

    The OCP will apply to areas within the City boundaries, and it also includes coordination and collaboration with neighbouring First Nations and local government, and the Fraser Valley Regional District.