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  • Yarrow Neighbourhood Plan Upcoming Online Public Engagement

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    We are pleased to invite you to an upcoming public engagement event about the Yarrow Neighbourhood Plan!

    As you know, the City has begun the initial neighbourhood planning process for Yarrow with the goal of developing a unified vision for Yarrow’s future. The event will provide residents with an opportunity to hear a presentation about the project, and what we have heard so far from the community survey, including an opportunity for discussion on a few key themes such as “Residential Development”, “Commercial & Industrial Development”, “Yarrow Central Road”, “Mobility” and “Environment Protection, Recreation & Community Amenities”.

    Due to the challenges posed by COVID-19, unfortunately we cannot hold in-person meetings like we have in the past. To safely hear from you, we have scheduled two online workshops for Monday, October 4 at 12:00pm to 1:00pm and Wednesday October 6 at 6:30pm to 7:30pm. We will be capping each workshop to a maximum of 40 guests and will be adding more meeting dates, if needed.

    To participate in one of these workshops, we need you to register by contacting us either by phone at 604.793.2906 or email at and provide:

    1. Your name and email
    2. Your preferred meeting date (October 4 or 6)
    3. Briefly identify a “key issue” that means most to you

    The registration deadline is Friday, October 1. Once you have registered, you will receive a confirmation email with the login details, as we get closer to the workshop dates.

    In the meantime, if you have any land use question about a specific property in Yarrow, you are welcome to contact the Planning & Strategic Initiatives Department anytime at 604.793.2906 or

    We look forward to hearing from you!