Will this road go through Jinkerson Park?

    The road will be built just north of Jinkerson Park and south of the townhouse complex within the designated road right-of-way. Park amenities such as the hockey box and parking lot will stay in their current location.

    Why is this new road needed?

    This road is needed to accommodate growth and traffic in the area. Jinkerson Road was designed to be a local road. Without this connector road, Jinkerson Road has had much higher traffic volumes than it was meant to manage. This has created safety concerns and excessive delays, and traffic analysis shows that a traffic signal will not solve the problem. As our community continues to grow, this new road will support future development.

    Will trail connections be provided between Jinkerson Park and Teskey Way?


    When was the decision made to build this connector road?

    This future road connection was identified in the 1989 Promontory Area Comprehensive Development Plan and in the 2000 and 2016 Promontory Area Road Network Studies. While it has been in Chilliwack’s Official Community Plan for more than 30 years, recent traffic analysis indicates it is still relevant and needed today to accommodate growth and traffic in the area.