What part of the Vedder River is the City concerned with speed?

    We are focusing on the area along the Vedder River from the Vedder Bridge to the point where it joins the Fraser River (see map on main page). This area is within the City’s municipal boundaries. However, all boats should travel safely on waterways.

    Can the City ban motorized boats from the river?

    No. The City of Chilliwack cannot ban motorized boats from using the river. The Vedder River is considered a navigable waterway by Transport Canada and falls under the Federal Navigation Protection Act. The City can apply for a speed restriction.

    How would a speed limit on the river be enforced?

    Depending on the outcome of the engagement process, the City may apply to Transport Canada for a speed limit on the Vedder River. If approved, an RCMP or Department of Fisheries and Oceans officer would be able to enforce speed limits along the Vedder River.